Dailies Total1 Flash Sale

SofLens One Day 8-Boxes (240 Pack)

Daily disposable Contact lenses

Availability : In Stock

* This package deal is a set of 8 boxes (4 boxes per eye).


AU$25.70 perbox

Some prescriptions out of stock

BC/DIA:8.6/14.2 PWR:-0.25
BC/DIA:8.6/14.2 PWR:-0.50

Order Information
    • BC/DIA
    • PWR
    • QTY
    • BC/DIA
    • PWR
    • QTY

Additional Information

Type: Daily disposable

Packaging: 30 lenses per box

Content: 41% Hilafilcon B & 59% water

Manufacturer: Bausch & Lomb

Brand: Soflens

Product Description
SofLens One Day from Bausch & Lomb is a daily disposable contact lens that offers clear vision and easy handling at an affordable price.

These tinted lenses make insertion a breeze and won't change the colour of your eyes. With SofLens One Day, you can enjoy the convenience of comfortable, healthy vision without the hassle of daily cleaning or storage. Perfect for sports or travel, simply wear them for a day and then dispose of them.

Buy our bulk package deal of SofLens One Day 8 boxes (240 lenses) at a discounted price without worries about shortages!

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