FreshLook One-Day 8-Boxes (80 Pack)

Daily disposable Contact lenses | Color

Availability : In Stock

* This package deal is a set of 8 boxes (4 boxes per eye).


AU$23.70 perbox

Some prescriptions out of stock

Order Information
    • BC/DIA
    • PWR
    • COLOR
    • QTY
    • BC/DIA
    • PWR
    • COLOR
    • QTY

Additional Information

Type: Daily disposable Colored

Packaging: 10 lenses per box

Content: 31% Nelfilcon A & 69% water

Brand: FreshLook

Manufacturer: Alcon

Product Description
FreshLook One Day lenses are the ideal solution for those seeking effortless, daily disposable coloured contact lenses that deliver natural depth and stunning eyes.

These popular daily colour lenses use a 3-in-1 blending technology to smoothly blend three colours into one for a natural appearance.

With FreshLook One Day lenses, you can transform the colour of even dark eyes while maintaining your natural vision. Remember that while contact lenses alter the appearance of your eyes, they don't affect your perception of colours or your vision.

When you want to impress yourself in a different way, choose these cosmetic lenses that not only enhance your eyes but also complement your overall style, allowing you to coordinate with your favourite cosmetics and clothing. Select from blue, gray, green, or pure hazel to find the perfect match for your natural eye, hair, and skin tone.
Experience the magic of FreshLook colour contact lenses and effortlessly enhance your everyday look with your preferred shades!

Buy FreshLook One Day bulk package deal of 8 boxes (80 lenses, a 40-day supply for both eyes) at a discounted price without worries about shortages!

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