Dailies Total1 Flash Sale

Air Optix Aqua 8-Boxes (48 Pack)

Monthly disposable Contact lenses

Availability : In Stock

Silicone hydrogel
* This package deal is a set of 8 boxes (4 boxes per eye).

The prescriptions below are no longer available.
BC/DIA:8.6/14.2 PWR:-6.25
BC/DIA:8.6/14.2 PWR:-6.75
BC/DIA:8.6/14.2 PWR:-7.25
BC/DIA:8.6/14.2 PWR:-7.75


AU$46.70 perbox

Some prescriptions out of stock

Order Information
    • BC/DIA
    • PWR
    • QTY
    • BC/DIA
    • PWR
    • QTY

Additional Information

Type: Monthly disposable

Packaging: 6 lenses per box

Content: 67% Lotrafilcon B (Silicone hydrogel) & 33% water


Manufacturer: Alcon

Product Description
Air Optix Aqua, an affordable and popular variant of monthly contact lenses by Alcon, features cutting-edge SmartShield Technology.

SmartShield creates an ultra-thin protective layer on the surface of the lenses, acting as a shield against irritating deposits. By reducing the build-up of deposits, SmartShield Technology helps maintain consistent comfort throughout the day. It also plays a significant role in promoting clearer vision and better overall eye health by ensuring the lenses remain clean and free from debris.

This monthly contact lens incorporates advanced silicone hydrogel material, ensuring exceptional comfort and long-lasting moisture throughout the day.

Buy our bulk package deal of Air Optix Aqua 8 boxes (48 lenses, a 24-month supply for both eyes) at a discounted price without worries about shortages!

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