
Make everyday a little more special with a premium feel.

Clear, vibrant vision makes everyday brighter.

Qieto 2week Rich

Qieto 2week Rich
6 Lenses Per Box

Launch Special


Base Price


Comfortable Wearing Experience
Silicone Hydrogel Material

Comfortable Wearing Experience

The smooth surface of the contact lens minimises friction on the eye, providing a wearing experience so comfortable, it feels almost like wearing no lenses at all.

Keeps eyes moisturised all through 14 days

The wettability test with care products

The test measures how well a solid surface attracts water by observing the contact angle between the surface and a liquid. A smaller contact angle indicates better wettability and greater hydrophilicity, meaning the surface has a stronger attraction to water. A contact angle of 45° or less is considered optimal.

Excellent Lipid Deposit Resistance

Ample Oxygen Reaching The Eyes

Silicone hydrogel materials are generally known to be prone to lipid deposits.

However, Qieto 2week Rich is designed to resist lipid buildup, maintaining clear vision even on the 14th day with proper daily care.

* Please ensure to follow the instructions provided with your care products.

High Oxygen Permeability

Allows ample oxygen ensuring comfort for a long time

High Oxygen Permeability

The lenses are made from silicone hydrogel material that allows ample oxygen to flow, protecting the health of your eyes.

Protect The Eyes From Ultraviolet Rays

Protect The Eyes From Ultraviolet Rays

Ultraviolet rays can cause not only skin problems such as spots, wrinkles, and skin cancer but also eye disorders.
Even though most ultraviolet rays entering the eyes are absorbed by the cornea and lens, around 1–2% pass through the lens and reach the retina.

Although the damage may not be noticeable immediately, it accumulates over time and can lead to eye diseases, such as ultraviolet keratitis, pinguecula, and cataracts, in the future.

We are exposed to higher levels of UV radiation than other countries due to our latitude, the thinner ozone layer, and other factors. Protect your eyes from intense UV exposure!


  • Type

    Fortnightly (Two-Weeks) Replacement / Lens for All-Day Wear

  • Product Name

    Qieto 2week Rich

  • Approval Number


  • Material (USAN)

    olifilcon B

  • Manufacturing

    Full Cast Mold Manufacturing

  • Lens Design

    Spherical Design

  • Base Curve


  • Power

    -0.50D ~ - 12.00D
    (-0.50D ~ - 6.00D : 0.25 Increment)
    (-6.50D ~ -12.00D : 0.50 Increment)

  • Diameter


  • Centre Thickness

    0.09mm (At -3.00D)

  • Classification

    Group I

  • Packaging

    6 Lenses Per Box

  • Water Content

    47.0 %

  • Dk Value

    133 (Our Actual Measurement Value)

  • Dk / L Value

    148 (Our Actual Measurement Value At -3.00D)

  • Main Component Of Preservative Solution

    Sodium Chloride, Borate Buffer

  • Colorant

    Anthraquinone-based Colorants

  • UV Cut Rate

    UV-A About 84% (Our Actual Measurement Value At -3.00D)
    UV-B About 96% (Our Actual Measurement Value At -3.00D)

  • UV Absorber

    Benzotriazole-based UV absorber



  • ・It is a fortnightly (two-week) replacement lens. It cannot be worn continuously.
  • ・Make sure to properly take care of your lenses using lens care products.
  • ・Use within the time specified by your ophthalmologist.
  • ・Be sure to inspect your lenses regularly to ensure there are no abnormalities.
  • ・Be sure to remove the lens before going to sleep.
  • ・If you feel any abnormalities such as rheumatism, redness, or foreign body, please see an ophthalmologist immediately.
  • ※ Contact lenses are highly controlled medical devices. Be sure to have an ophthalmologist inspect and prescribe and purchase contact lenses that suit your eyes.
  • ※ Contact lenses are used by placing them directly on the eyes. Improper handling of the lens can lead to eye damage.
  • ※ Be sure to read the package insert carefully and follow the instructions of your ophthalmologist to use it correctly.




Popular and comfortable daily lenses at an affordable price.

30 lenses per box$22.90


Qieto1day Rich

Long-lasting moisturising and comfortable daily lenses made with silicone hydrogel.

30 lenses per box $32.90


Qieto1day Color

Daily circle colour contact lenses at an affordable price.
Available in three colours.

10 lenses per box$13.90


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